(1) Carry Hope 7.7KM Challenge 2022 – Fundraising Campaign on Giving.sg
You may also consider making donations via Giving.sg. For 2022, our aim is to raise $100,000. Join us as fund raiser as you pledge your support for the rare when completing the 7.7KM challenge!
For more information, visit our registration page here.

You can contact us at rdsscarryhope@gmail.com if you wish to have your full donations to support only one of our adopted causes: a) Rare Disease Fund or  b) Rare Disorders Society (Singapore).

(2) Bank Cheque
Please make your cheque payable to “Rare Disorders Society (Singapore)“. Please state behind the cheque the following payment reference “Donation Carry Hope RDSS”. You can send the cheque to:

Carry Hope RDSS c/o RDSS 
43 Hindhede Walk #07-08
Singapore 587973